Listen to episode 2 of my podcast: Voices.
Here you will hear from many different women in their own voices about their experiences with my work.
Anahit Pashaian @anahit32
With Liana’s teachings I gained the courage to let go of relationships that drained me and were toxic. For years I had relationships that I was unhappy with and I became empowered by her programs and stopped the relationships I was not happy in. And one of the most important relationships that I am working on are the relationships with my children!
This healing work is not easy for me, there is a lot of shadow work involved and it’s very uncomfortable for me. The work is worth it and the results are life changing for the better. Thank you Liana for providing the teachings that have got me to this point.
Amanda Fraden
Since finding Liana and more of her teachings, I’ve watched as my own Lifeproof has unfolded.
Life feels and is so much more beautiful. Even during long, tiring days I’m able to find gratitude, love, peace and joy that eluded me before.
Liana, finding you has been the miracle of my life.
There are no words. Truly.
What do you say to someone who led you back to Jesus against all odds?
Who uses their personal time here on Earth (when time is finite and she doesn’t have to do ANY of this) to teach and guide others to heal their wounds and genuinely love themselves?
Thank you.
With every cell in my body, thank you.
Marie Alece @aleka.kahealani
I never knew life was meant to be filled with so much love, gratitude, emotion, abundance, happiness, health, FREEDOM until I found Liana Shanti - I remember SO clearly the feelings i had before i came found her... i knew i wasn't truly happy, i was working at Dunkin Donuts and had 2 kids, i thought this was it. i had zero plan of where i wanted to go, what i wanted to do in this world besides be a wife, mom, barista. not even a good mom either..
Christine Lottaz @sun_and_earth_kids
I was just looking at others needs and forget mine or as a consequence I thought I just have to focus on myself to have boundaries.
Before Liana’s teachings, I had situations where I couldn’t find solutions with other programs.
Now with Liana’s teachings, I am learning to incorporate Balance in all Areas of my life and see solutions in different areas!
Cagla Rifat
I was gathering all this knowledge, with no empowerment and practical ways to implement the teachings. I then found Liana and for the first time, I felt validated for all the things I felt about myself and the world.
Since the very first program I did (Mother Wound) I knew that she was it. Although it was incredibly difficult to face my stuff, by implementing her teachings I was able to get my health back on track, gain a sense of empowerment and have love for myself that I never had before and finally experience actual life proof!!!
Carmen Aileen @leia.vaihere
Liana’s Lifepath program accelerated my healing. She saved me from being one of those “spiritual girls” who just kinda stumbles through life, never truly reaching her highest potential. Her teachings are a path that transforms girls into sovereign women.
And this is just the beginning for me.
Krystina Guzman @aria_holistic_health_coach
She poured her love onto me and my family at a time I had no idea what the fuck was going on.
I didn’t know what to do and was in a situation I’ve never encountered before. But with the out pouring love she gives EVERY SINGLE SOUL she speaks to she guided me and my husband through the hardest and darkest time.
At this very moment was the start of my healing journey. It was a huge wake up call. One I’ll never forget but one I’ll forever be grateful for.
Steanne Mackay @amyakianda
Through your programs AND your role-modelling, I love myself for the first time in my 28yrs of existence. I trust myself and my intuition. I am more confident. I have healed my eating disorder. I have a new outlook on life. I understand how to care for myself better through nutrition.
I have put myself out there in terms of business, doing things I NEVER thought id ever be able to do.
Thank you for everything you do, seen and unseen. You do so much out of pure love.
Keilani Astra @keilani_astra
Maybe I wouldn’t have understood that the internal attacks on my body were actually toxic energy stores from painful experiences that destroyed my gallbladder (to the point of removal), and created auto immune diseases, years of painful periods, womb aches, and other digestive issues.
Regardless of those maybe’s, I am here. Healing. Feeling. Purging. I am here protecting myself. I am here nurturing that little girl within me to repair the severed connection with her worth and value. I am HERE and I have a voice. And a purpose.
I will no longer keep the secrets of my abusers. It is not mine to carry.
Cahira Noelani @best_healthcoach_certification
She continuously pours out endless amounts of love, energy, and time for all of us, just because she cares and loves so deeply. She shows us unconditional love and always has our back – something we have NEVER seen our own parents or families do for us.
She fiercely defends us, standing up to the most horrific toxic monsters in our lives and families, even putting herself in harms way to do so.
She tirelessly fights for us, empowers us, and educates for FREE! Her IG stories over the last few weeks have been an entire crash course in domestic violence and narcissistic abuse. I’ve learned more from her recent stories than I did in YEARS of counseling!
Kiana Asherah @kianaasherah
Now that I have stepped away and am fully removed from it, it is starting to become much more clear of how toxic these seemingly normal things actually are. And the destruction they cause in happiness, in abundance, and in life.
My teacher, Liana Shanti does not tell her students to cut people out of their life. Absolutely not. She teaches students to love themselves enough to have strong boundaries and to protect themselves from the people holding them back from fully embodying their healing path and their connection to Jesus.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Liana for following your gifts to give me the teachings to be able to find my way back to Jesus and to find inner peace.
Victoria Stey
What Liana Shanti and her teachings mean to me and my life and how they have changed my perception of reality – and continue to - is hard to put into one IG post. Her teachings have not only saved me from a life in darkness, toxicity, deception, numbing and so much more, but she showed my soul the way out. She laid out the red carpet called Jesus with the door leading out the wheel of reincarnation on this earth.
Never dragging or pushing, never any expectations or rules to oblige to. She is standing at the side, patiently guiding, encouraging, empowering, consoling, clarifying and teaching.
Kaimani Aliah @kaimanialiah
Liana, her presence, her work. Every conversation with her chipped away my self loathing bit by bit. Her powerful programs brought me back to life. To see myself as someone worthy. To see my body or soul is not a burden and a lifetime to prove my worthiness was not my baggage to carry anymore because I am always loved by the divine. No conditions. I don't need to earn the reason for my existence.
Dharma Bodhi @dharmabodhi_
She guided me to Lifepath Manifestation. That program recommendation within itself was my answer to what I had been seeking for so many years. It guided me to my higher self and showed me a path in life which I could have never imagined. Once I did that, I started to heal my core wounds by doing her Mother Wound, Father Wound and Narc Healing programs. These teachings brought me to a place of inner peace and love.
Tiffany Rosalie @divinedripjewelry
She teaches you to break out of the cults, the programming from when you are a child, the authoritarian bullshit, to figure what beliefs you have so you can stand firm in them. To feel into who you are as a person … to realize you like pajama pants rather than nightgowns… to get in touch with your inner children to let them talk to you and show you who they and you ARE not who you were molded into. The true Tiffany. The soul that I am and who I am meant to be and how I am meant to serve Jesus. To bring my gifts forth and share them with the world to be IN SERVICE to humanity because that is why I am here. To heal and to be in service.
Monica Vasconcelos
I am eternally grateful to Liana for saving my soul, for showing me how to keep my light within burning brighter so that I may, one day, also be a shinning light to anyone who needs it!
This ain’t for the faint hearted… and it may take a while to surrender because we are so conditioned to believe that we are not worthy of loving ourselves.
But it is only in loving ourselves that we can truly love our loved ones, that we can show them how to love themselves back, because we don’t need anyone exterior to love or accept us.
The Kingdom of God IS inside of us!! We are made in the image of God! Perfect!
And these were the teachings of Jesus!
Aaralyn Shiri @aaralynshirimusic
All Liana does is love me, unconditionally. She isn’t fixing me. I was never broken. She isn’t saving me. I am saving myself. She doesn’t tell me what to do or ask me to believe her blindly. She says, “Try it. Prove me wrong. Prove that it doesn’t work.”
She shines a light on all of my false beliefs. All of the ego traps I’ve believed my whole life. All of the mud that people piled on top of me, preventing me from seeing my light. She constantly points me back into myself, which is where all the answers lie.
Angie Bernreuter
Angie Bernreuter of Juice Heal Thrive reversed all of her health issues thanks to Liana Shanti, founder of Health Mastery Institute. This included type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, PCOS, migraines and so much more.
Irene Malamatos
Her name is Liana Shanti.
The embodiment of hope
Unconditional love in the flesh
Speaker of Divine words
And that was the day my weary heart could rest, my tired eyes dried, my weak hands transformed, and my soul ignited.
Angie Bernreuter
I am now off all medications, healed all of my diseases, including Type 2 Diabetes and anxiety. I quit a soul-sucking job of and started my own business, my passion in 2020, opened my own brick and mortar this year and have more financial abundance because I was empowered to follow my passion!