Listen to episode 2 of my podcast: Voices.

Here you will hear from many different women in their own voices about their experiences with my work.


Haley Winter
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Haley Winter

I would say I’m getting my life back, but I never had a life before finding you. Growing up in constant trauma but being told you had a great life and the best childhood is soooo confusing and listening to each and every one of your Liana Shanti programs has unraveled the TRUTH for me.

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Shelly Gaudreault @shelley.gaudreault
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Shelly Gaudreault @shelley.gaudreault

Everything brought me closer to Jesus, not the Jesus religion taught us about but the real unconditional loving Jesus that is real and in learning about His unconditional love, I started learning about unconditional love of myself, my people, everyone, the animals, the plants and my perception of everything shifted. I started letting go of toxic people in my life, letting go of toxic beliefs about work, about religion, about family cults, self-loathing, guilt, shame.

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Tayla Hondel @clearitoutcrew
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Tayla Hondel @clearitoutcrew

Now, HMI has been the catalyst for helping me heal my body by using food as medicine. This has helped me release the last 30ish lbs (and still counting) since I've been learning how to become a Holistic Wellness Coach. The 66 Day Health Mastery Program has been essential in showing me how to eat properly and cleanse myself safely and effectively.

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Caroline Leemis
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Caroline Leemis

I’ve been in her groups for a little over two years now. Her qualities of unconditional love, patience, generosity, intelligence, humility, and fierce feminine power amaze me. Her programs, guidance, and encouragement empowered me to make major changes in my life last year – which included getting a divorce, making a career change, and moving away on my own.

I truly would not have been able to do those things, which have put me on my true lifepath and on a much better future trajectory, had it not been for her.

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Amaraja Bre @alchemybyamaraja
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Amaraja Bre @alchemybyamaraja

Within 8 months I had eliminated all toxic relationships, partnerships and substances that would stand in the way of me freeing myself. For the first time EVER, I felt hopeful that a different existence was possible.

Now, almost 5 years later, EVERYTHING about my life has changed. My body has healed because I’ve learned to love myself. I mean TRULY love myself, and it’s reflected in my outer world and my relationships.

Liana Shanti is the divine model of unconditional love. She has been front the start. The only real example of this that I’ve experienced.

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Alysha O’Leary @alyshaolearyofficial
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Alysha O’Leary @alyshaolearyofficial

NONE of this would have happened, had I not been led by Jesus and followed my heart. My intuition.

I would not be walking this day, driving, let alone breathing. Had I not been led to Liana Shanti that day. November 21st 2020.

Liana, thank you.

Signs and symptoms are your body LOVING you.

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Kristen Macara @sovereign_healthandwellness
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Kristen Macara @sovereign_healthandwellness

So I dove into the Liana’s programs and the healing work and It radically shifted my life. I found my voice and I spoke with my mom about all the shit she did, or more accurately, didn’t do. She didn’t gaslight me, she didn’t even make excuses. All she did was pause for a while and say ‘you’re right, I made a lot of mistakes.’ We now have a bit of a relationship. My dad has been out of my life for years now and that’s not a relationship I have any desire to repair. He’s a selfish asshole.

I completely cut out junk food/processed food, my obsession/addiction to working out transformed into a healthy relationship with exercise, my constant desire for male attention disappeared. My NEED to be with someone vanished. My love for myself went through the roof. I began to truly nourish my body, mind and soul in all ways. I became very picky about who I let into my life in any capacity.

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Alissa Petcoff @alipetco
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Alissa Petcoff @alipetco

I started doing the free anxiety meditation, womb clearing, and the abundance webinar. I subscribed to illuminations, used tools I learned from that like mantras: When I felt fear or stress, I put my hand on my heart and said: “I am safe. All is well. I have everything I need.” (I still do that sometimes).

I imagined a big over all my negative thoughts. I started working on MW, I was guided to leave a dangerous state, and I got rid of a lot of poverty consciousness and limiting beliefs. I also stopped eating meat & reduced my dairy consumption. All of my physical symptoms went away, and I started to cultivate peace in my life for the first time.

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Asha Ariya
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Asha Ariya

My life completely changed in what seemed within 24 hours. Liana empowered me with making my own decisions, she never advised me to do or not do something. She always advised to make the decision myself, which I based on what felt right for me and my daughter. So I cut contact with my entire family, divorced my husband and started living life for myself and my daughter. The abuse from my ex got a lot worse, with extreme emotional and financial abuse added to the list. Staying with him would have just perpetuated the abuse cycles as well as the abuse me and my daughter were receiving.

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Chris Caveness DeFilippo @chrisdefilippo
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Chris Caveness DeFilippo @chrisdefilippo

She helped me love myself and others. She helped me see that I am worthy and deserve love and happiness. She helped me realize that I am not broken, only wounded and wounds can be healed.

She has helped me change my health and heart. She has taught me how to be accountable for my life but also to forgive myself and become better. She has taught me how to ask Jesus into my life and heart every waking moment of the day. She has TAUGHT me how to love and follow Jesus.

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Hannah Rosales @hannahisblooming
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Hannah Rosales @hannahisblooming

I joined Liana Shanti’s community and started doing her Mother Wound and Father Wound course and then started studying at Health Mastery Institute, her plant based nutrition school! I finally had found the tools I needed to heal myself. I finally had hope for the future. I started to make healthy boundaries, I started walking again, I gave up ibuprofen completely.

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Chloe McNally @chloemmcnally</a>
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Chloe McNally @chloemmcnally

Liana Shanti helped me to get my life back! Since finding her teachings, I’ve stopped engaging in toxic behaviors like smoking weed, I’ve ended an addiction to sleeping pills, I’ve stopped drinking alcohol and have become empowered enough to cut out toxic people from my life.

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Mandy Pledger @breastimplantillnessrecovery
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Mandy Pledger @breastimplantillnessrecovery

A year on the keto diet had wrecked the progress I was making on healing after my surgery. I was still eating dairy and drinking copious amounts of coffee. I didn’t understand that everything you eat, every relationship, every conversation, everything you watch and read, affects your health.

I was still living a life filled with doing the things I should and the things that made me good and worthy of love... and my body and energy reflected that. I finally understand that if my life isn’t vibrant, joyful, and full of life... only I can change that!

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Malie Oriana @malie_oriana
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Malie Oriana @malie_oriana

Being a part of Liana’s community has been a massive blessing in my life. To offer unconditional love through all of the messy work. To patiently answer question after question, waiting for my to come to my own understanding of whatever it was I was working through. To lovingly remind me that the answers are always within myself.

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Valerie Marrali @chef_arielle_aikane
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Valerie Marrali @chef_arielle_aikane

I planned a life of being a stoner and wanted to be a cool mom that would smoke with her kids when old enough🥴 when I would back home to my parents for the holidays I would make sure I had weed available to numb out their shit and also I needed alcohol to go with it🧊

It got to a point where it was just too much, every afternoon weed and alcohol after a long day at work, I hated my job of course I resorted to numbing on a daily basis.

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Kaia Alline @family_cult_recovery
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Kaia Alline @family_cult_recovery

Show me an angry person, and I’ll show you a person that has been hurt. The angrier the person, the more hurt they’ve endured.

When there is healing, I'll show you a person that has tremendous love, care and compassion, beginning with loving themselves.

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Leta Hunt @healing.with.animals
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Leta Hunt @healing.with.animals

When I found Liana Shanti and her teachings in 2021, it felt like all the pieces I have learned over the years fell into place – the role of food in physical health, candida overgrowth, core wounds, narc abuse, quantum physics and energies, astrology, laws of abundance, and of course, the spiritual aspect of connecting with The Divine and Jesus.

Not only did all the pieces seem to come together, but instead of a dependence model that arises in psychotherapy – and western medicine – her teachings focus on each person learning how to find healing and empowerment within themselves. 

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Ailani Nahara @ailani.nahara
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Ailani Nahara @ailani.nahara

Liana and her Lifepath Manifesting program is where I began to uncover my childhood pain and for the first time in my life, felt like I was being heard and recognized.

I was blessed to be able to have 1:1 sessions with Liana, as were my mom and sister. It has been so challenging and so eye opening to go through this process of uncovering childhood trauma alongside my mom and sister, but It’s also been the most amazing gift because our relationships have transformed, become stronger, more supportive and more loving than ever!

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Kaia Alline @kaiaalline
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Kaia Alline @kaiaalline

I learned about how the body stores everything during my studies with Health Mastery Institute and with individual work with Liana Shanti. Comically, inner children and their importance were hardly touched in my master's or doctorate programs in Mental Health.

Most professors I came across didn't have any understanding of inner children, nor did they choose to learn. I did. I am grateful as that is what began my healing process.

It takes courage to become aware and heal. If you are looking for awareness, understanding, or to find tools to heal, I am glad you found this page.

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Aaralyn Shiri @aaralynshirimusic
Liana Shanti Liana Shanti

Aaralyn Shiri @aaralynshirimusic

I’m not the only one who was floundering around in life. Miserable. Hopeless. Worthless. Wishing I could just hurry up and die already. Wondering what the point of my life was. Addicted to porn, TV, food, pain.

I had no clue what the fuck I was doing.

So to me, going from someone who used to hate herself, believing she was evil at her core…to loving herself and seeing the beautiful brilliance of GOD within?

I mean, that sounds life saving to me.

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