Roxanne Smith @lemurian_healthcare_pc
When I first saw rawganicvegan on Facebook in 2013 my body/soul knew we had found something special. I immediately started her 66-day programming and within the first 10 days I had all the proof I needed that this lady was legit. As an Internal medicine physician and associate professor at a medical school and graduate medical education program I knew nutrition was important and had been searching for something to supplement the nutrition knowledge that I knew was inadequate from my medical school education.
What I learned and experienced that year was proof positive she was knowledgeable and her programs worked! My body responded I had energy and people were asking me where I got all that energy just drinking juices and eating plants!
As is common life distracted me and I went back to eating in the old way after 6 months. I stopped the program. There was no outrage no condemnation. My decision to return to old ways was not remarked on.
When she first came out with Mother wound Father wound I felt I didn't need that at first. No outrage no condemnation just love and acceptance of my decision as an adult.
I was called to her life path program and after initial resistance I signed up in 2017. I was in a job that was going nowhere at the time and I knew I needed to do something. While doing the program I got a job interview in Dubai and in discussions got in my feelings about an opinion expressed and when I didn't get the job I left the group. No condemnation no chastising just acceptance of my decision as an adult.
I stayed in her illuminations group and the weekly information was just critical and when she offered lifepath again in 2020 I took it this time determined to complete the process. I was in relationships full of gas lighting at home and at work During this class, I finally saw the pattern of narcissism that I had all around me. I finally recognized the damage to my psyche and I dived into the narcissism class late that year.
Oh my goodness.
The free first class transformed my life in September 2020. I quickly did the rest as revelation after revelation of abuse came to me. I started to do her classes after years of just bypassing and then....
I got my dream job in Hawaii that enabled me to move from the mainland during the pandemic. I enrolled in HMI. I was able to steer clear of the vaccine agenda and my body is whole and healthy , down 20 pounds and I never experienced the infection despite working front line during the pandemic for two years thanks to Liana’s nutritional guidance. I was able to leave organized medicine and start my own company teaching HMI principles being able to live free and practice what I preach. Practice with integrity. # LIFEPROOF
I recently enrolled in her business school and am getting priceless guidance from her. She has built multimillion dollar businesses in varying fields. To learn from her is an honor. The life experience she is sharing with us in class is just mind blowing and life-changing
Every program I have of hers, and I have them all, have brought positivity to my life.
In all the years I have known Liana Shanti she has been a strong proponent of unconditional love of self, sovereignty, freedom of choice and accountability. She has never waivered and I know she never will. Her unconditional love and guidance is what I credit for the walk I have with the true Jesus Christ today, my life with him has led to the wonderful joy I feel waking up everyday. I'm energized and healing and loving myself more and more each day as I do the work of healing and serving Gods will.
Thanks to Liana I have rid myself of people who were draining me and I learned that choices of others are not my responsibility and sometimes even when you love someone your paths may need to separate and true love is when they wish you well and release you. She taught me that with her grace and her acceptance of my wavering spirit in the beginning. And her steadfast commitment to my growth as an individual as long as I want to do the work. Thank you so much for opening this thread so I could add my story. I wish all people who read this the joy of loving themselves and living free of condemnation. I hope you find your light to guide you. I have found mine thanks to Liana Shanti❤️