Kathrin Avani @larasalila
When I was led to Liana in January 2021, I was in a terrible state physically, mentally and spiritually. I had just broken up with my boyfriend and was devastated that the person I loved the most in my life had betrayed me, lied to me, manipulated and gaslighted me.
My life was a shambles, I was a shell of myself, I weighed only 38 kg and could no longer sleep, not even with sleeping pills and if I was able to sleep for an hour or two I had horrible nightmares. All I wanted was to leave this planet. On instagram I found Liana, (thank you Jesus!!!), and her posts resonated deeply with me. I felt inside me that she is real, authentic and unconditionally loving.
So I listened to the first free session of healing from narc relationships and I fell asleep after only four minutes and I had no nightmares. During that time, I sometimes did the sessions four times a day and I was getting better every day. My mother was so excited and happy to see the effect this work and healing had on me, that she started the mother wound program.
Liana's programs have changed my life on all levels. For the first time in my life, self-love is no longer just a nice word for me. I love myself, I love my body, I can set boundaries and have manifested my dream apartment. I deepen the relationship with my inner children and also the relationship with my mother and my brother has changed.
My health has improved and i feel absolutely great! No more alcohol, no more weed, no more numbing out... I'm so grateful to be alive, to heal, to create and to have all this amazing tools Liana gave me! I am deeply grateful for Liana and the light she brings into the world!!!! THANK YOU LIANA!!!!