Cahira Noelani @escaping_mychristianfamilycult
If you asked me to pick one person in the entire world who epitomizes the highest character qualities possible in a human, Liana Shanti is that person. Her entire life radiates goodness, kindness, compassion, love, generosity, and integrity. Yet, she is the most humble person you have ever met. She continuously gives and helps people while wanting nothing in return, even avoiding recognition and praise.
Liana is a modern day version of Mother Teresa and the world is a better place simply because she is here. I know thousands of women, men, and children who all feel exactly as I do, whose lives are forever changed and blessed simply from Liana’s work, love, care, and compassion.
I met Liana ten years ago, when I purchased one of her online nutrition programs. It cost less than $100, yet the value Liana gave was a thousand times that. She created a Facebook group to give additional support to people who had purchased her program. For months and even years afterwards, she spent many hours a day
answering people’s questions, sharing her expertise, and helping people in all areas of their lives. She gave a thousand times more value than the inexpensive program we had purchased, simply because she truly cared about each of us.
Liana completely changed my life and the lives of my children. When I first met her in this online community, I was a newly divorced mom with four young children. I had escaped a religious cult that suppressed and abused women and children. My kids and I were completely alone and had lost our entire family and world as we knew it.
I had been told my entire life that women were weak, that I could not support myself or my kids without a husband, and that I could never be financially successful. I was struggling to provide basic needs for myself and my children with an income around poverty level. We were living in a small apartment and receiving government assistance.
Liana took me under her wing and mentored me out of the pure kindness of her heart. For years, she spent countless hours teaching me about nutrition, life, business, and parenting. She encouraged me and showed me that I could better my life. She believed in me when no one else had ever believed in me before.
She even created a very inexpensive online health coaching school, Health Mastery Institute, so that women like me could have a way to create a new career who couldn’t afford to go to college. She included her extensive business training in the program for FREE so that we could learn how to create our own financial independence.
She poured her heart and soul into this school and into me and the hundreds of other women who were in similar situations. She could have charged ten or twenty times the amount and it would have been an amazing value, yet she made it affordable for all of us.
Liana taught me so much, that I was able to successfully start my own health coaching business. Within two years, I had tripled my income and was OFF government assistance!! All because Liana believed in me and because of her years mentoring me, teaching me, and guiding me.
I remember being amazed that this woman was so kind and loving, and I had nothing I could give her. I remember being in awe that this successful woman would take so much time to mentor and help not only me, but hundreds of other struggling women too, just from the kindness of her heart.
The small amount she charges for her programs are miniscule compared to the value she gives and are laughable compared to what she could charge for her services given her extensive education and her experience creating multiple 7 figure businesses.
She literally had nothing to gain from helping me and my kids, or any of these other women. She does it simply because that is who Liana is. She is the embodiment of love, compassion, and kindness. She cares deeply about women and children who are suffering, and she teaches women how to empower themselves, how to believe in themselves, and even gives them a way to create new careers and teaches them how to become financially independent! Hundreds and thousands of women have been able to create better lives for themselves and their children because of Liana’s mentorship, love, and care.
When my oldest son was in high school, he was planning to do a short job training program after high school, because I didn’t think college would be possible for our family. Liana helped me to see that college could be possible for him, and that there were ways that we could make it happen. My son ended up getting an academic scholarship to his dream school! He is thriving in college, as a first generation college student because Liana showed us it was possible!
My second son had a horrific foot injury in a basketball game in his freshman year of high school. The doctors told him it would be a career ending injury and that he would likely never play basketball again. Liana helped me find a surgeon who could help him. She spent hours and hours helping me find the best treatment options for him. She also shared her wealth of personal experience with me on nutrition, herbs, and holistic remedies that would help him. Because of her guidance, my son went on to make a 100% full recovery!
My kids and I had a very scary domestic violence experience with my ex-husband when he came to my home and smashed my car window shattering glass all around my children. Liana was a constant source of support and encouragement. She went out of her way to help me find resources to help my kids and I stay safe. She helped us find therapists and an attorney and connected us with domestic violence experts.
When our house burned down in the middle of the pandemic lock down, Liana and her son called every hotel in our area until they found one that was still open. They rented rooms for my children and me so that we had somewhere to sleep that night and until we could find a new home.
Liana also gave me an opportunity to continue to grow my career by working for her health coaching school. An opportunity that I had never dreamed of having in my entire life!
My kids love and adore Liana too! Even though she is incredibly busy with her own life, children, family, and businesses, she always makes time for my kids. She always takes the time to respond and to help them with whatever they are going through. She is like the ultimate aunt, godmother, and real life guardian angel.
She doesn’t have to do any of this. There is nothing that we could ever do to pay her back or give her in return for everything she has done for us, and she doesn’t want anything in return. That’s who Liana is. She lives her entire life serving and helping people because she genuinely cares and loves people and wants to make the world a better place.
I have never met someone like Liana, and I know it’s because there isn’t another person on the planet who is like her.
Even when I struggled and doubted myself, she was so patient, and continued to encourage me, helping me to heal from the trauma that was showing up in repeating patterns.
The thing is, I’m only one of hundreds and thousands of people that Liana has helped like this. In working at Liana’s health coaching school, I hear from people every single day with similar stories to mine. Every single one of them tells me stories of how their lives have changed because of Liana’s kindness, love, mentoring, and guidance. They tell me stories of her kindness and how she has helped them and their kids. They are all as equally amazed and blown away by the kindness and love she shares continuously.
I don’t even know how it’s possible for one person to have made such a difference in so many people’s lives. I don’t know how it’s possible for one person to give so much love, kindness, care, and compassion to so many different people all over the world. But Liana has done that and continues to do that. That’s why I truly believe that Liana is our modern day Mother Teresa.
Another thing that has always stood out about Liana is her integrity. She values integrity and authenticity more than almost anything else. She will not tolerate even an ounce of something being out of integrity personally, but also with her businesses. She has turned down numerous lucrative business offers from companies who wanted her to sell and recommend their products, but she felt it would be out of integrity to recommend products that she was making money on, so she wouldn’t do it.
She has refused to take shortcuts to grow her businesses and insisted on doing things only organically and in full integrity, even if it took 10 times longer to grow. She has turned down partnerships with people that she didn’t feel were in full integrity. In working for her, she has taught me so much about integrity, and insisted on integrity in every aspect of how we work. She doesn’t care if she loses money or business, she will never compromise her values or her integrity.
Liana has changed my life and my kids’ lives forever. I am eternally grateful for her love, kindness, compassion, generosity, and mentorship. If I can be 1/1000th of the woman Liana is, I will die feeling I served my life’s purpose. The world is truly a brighter, move loving place simply because Liana Shanti is here.