Lemuria Ascends

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Earth...She soothes every cell... opens every pathway...
Sun. The life giving energy, beaming power and strength and energy through the ethers... warming me with tender awareness and true light...
Plants. My teachers... guiding me on this willing journey of Love...
Nature... this gift of living my purpose ... daily... connecting with and being in the company of the wisest...
Ocean... her immensity and power soothes every confusion... removes every obstacle... placed at my feet every gem, every beautiful polished breathtakingly colored gem...
Divine Mother... flowing from my heart... freeing me of the darkness with her aliveness... coming through all that is not nature... deception coming through talking heads and the marching dead... gently holding me in the embrace of her wisdom... with eyes to see...
Seeds of Lemurian harmonics... grids of sacred holding spaces... portals of wonder and awe, truth and beauty, love and light...
The call of ascension reaches those unplugged from the matrix of conditioned fear...you know who you are...
It is through nature, my home, that Lemuria ascends...
🐬❤ Liana


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